Študije primerov, zgodbe uporabnikov, odobritve, slike aplikacij in videoposnetki za vse, ki delajo v elektronski industriji, na primer na področju nadzora kakovosti, analize napak, pregledovanja BGA, PCB ali komponent.
Podjetje Michelin – za izboljšanje nadzora kakovosti z uporabo digitalnih ročnih mikroskopov Dino Lite
Michelinov oddelek za pomoč strankam izvaja inšpekcijske preglede in kontrole v proizvodnih obratih pnevmatik, da zagotovi interne povratne informacije drugim Michelinovim obratom in podizvajalcem kalupov in kovinskih delov ter jih vodi pri njihovih tehničnih odločitvah.
Za učinkovito izvajanje teh pregledov ekipa potrebuje mikroskope, ki so:
- Robustni, kompaktni in z dolgo življenjsko dobo
- Lahko jasno pokaže in poudari vsako napako, idealno s polarizacijsko kamero, da se izognejo odsevom ali dodajanju svetlobe
- Visoka kakovost slike s širokim razponom povečave, ki omogoča natančno diagnozo
- Enostavni za uporabo in povezljivost s pametnim telefonom z rešitvijo za sodelovanje na daljavo za pospešitev odločanja
Primer uporabe: Kontrola kakovosti čistilnih orodij, ki omogočajo proizvodnjo pnevmatik
Za preiskavo kakovosti čiščenja se uporablja mikroskop Dino-Lite. S povečavo in zahvaljujoč odlični kakovosti slike je mogoče videti, ali je na njej še nekaj ostankov umazanije. S povezavo mikroskopa s pametnim telefonom oz.
te informacije je mogoče deliti v živo za nadaljnjo preiskavo.
Primer uporabe: Kontrola kakovosti laserskega označevanja
Michelin na svojih kalupih uporablja laserske gravure. S prostim očesom je na kalupu viden le črn vidik, a če ga pogledamo podrobneje z mikroskopom Dino-Lite, lahko razločimo teksturo, ki jo naredi laser, in ocenimo njihovo čistost. Mikroskop na primer pokaže, da se je znotraj teksture nabrala umazanija, ki jo ovira in tako vpliva na kakovost. Te analize je zelo enostavna in jo lahko hitro izvedemo, ter razkrijemo zelo natančne informacije.
Prednost: Izdelajte dobro pnevmatiko v prvem poskusu
Primer uporabe: Kontrola kakovosti laserskega označevanja
Mikroskop Dino-Lite se uporablja za zagotavljanje natančnejšega pregleda ovoja pnevmatike. Slike lahko delite z drugimi, da prikažete izvor napake, kot je vrsta preloma žične vrvi. Poleg tega mikroskop upravlja polarizacijo slike na kovinskih površinah, ki so pogosto sijoče in odsevne. To omogoča deljenje zelo natančne slike, zlasti konca kabla, kar ni mogoče s kamero pametnega telefona.
- Prihranek časa: hitrejše odločanje
- Natančnejše povratne informacije za razvijalce pnevmatik
- Zmanjšanje števila potovanj strank
Zaradi miniaturizacije in množičnega prilagajanja so se zahteve glede nadzora kakovosti močno povečale. Digitalni mikroskopi Dino-Lite lahko zelo koristijo nadzoru kakovosti na številnih industrijskih področjih. Preverjanje kakovosti rezkanja, barvanja, montaže, izdelave, orodja je z Dino-Lite mikroskopi postalo že vsakodnevno delo v tisočih industrijskih podjetjih. Mikroskopi Dino-Lite so enostavni za uporabo in cenovno dostopni, nudijo tudi digitalno shranjevanje slik in videoposnetkov z možnostmi obdelave slike, kot so merjenje, pisanje opomb in primerjava slik.
Zelo inovativne industrije, kot so avtomobilska industrija, aeronavtika, elektronika, proizvajalci medicinskih naprav, imajo lahko veliko koristi od mikroskopov Dino-Lite, zaradi hitrosti in prenosljivosti običajnih USB modelov Dino-Lite, hitrih modelov ali celo mobilne rešitve Dino-Lite z 5 inčnim prenosnim zaslonom. Bolj tradicionalne industrije, kot so tiskanje in papir, barve in laki, proizvodnja kovin in plastike, tekstil, pa tudi živila, embalaža in številne druge, lahko zdaj uporabljajo mikroskopijo v celotni proizvodni verigi. V vseh panogah je zdaj mogoče preprosto izmenjati kakovostne informacije z dobavitelji in kupci, hkrati pa zagotoviti visoko raven podpore za izdelke in reševanje težav v celotni dobavni verigi.
Software Development Kit (SDK)
Digitalni mikroskopi Dino-Lite se uporabljajo za številne naloge. Francosko podjetje Celodev uporablja kovinske digitalne ročne mikroskope modele Dino-Lite Pro X za ocenjevanje aktivnosti encimov na lesni kaši. Podjetje Celodev je proizvajalec encimov, ki se uporabljajo v papirni industriji, predvsem za zmanjšanje porabe energije z veliko koristi za okolje pri proizvodnji papirja.
Gilles Bajul, the owner of Celodev: “The enzymes which we make break down the pulp, and thus provide for a partial and controlled refining of the fibers. The enzymatic treatment of the pulp reduces the energy consumption of the paper production, and it also improves the properties of the paper. We have to validate the enzymes that we provide constantly. In our laboratory we assess whether the various enzymes do their work in the right way, by reviewing the decomposition process under the Dino-Lite microscope.
The nice thing about the Dino-Lite digital microscope is that it is robust and we can arrange the amount of light easily. This means that we do not need other light sources. The size makes the Dino-Lite a very convenient device. We take pictures but also movies with the Dino-Lite and we can store and process this material immediately because everything is digital and this saves us a lot of time. Dino-Lite has made itself indispensable in our lab.
The Corvaglia group based in Eschlikon in Switzerland consists of Corvaglia Mould AG and Corvaglia Closures AG. Corvaglia Mould AG develops, designs and tests the injection molds that Corvaglia Closures AG, amongst others, uses to produce closures for all kinds of beverages in so-called PET bottles. Carsten Peil is Head of Research Engineering at Corvaglia Mould AG: “Approximately 20 percent of all PET bottle caps in the world are made with injection molds made by us. Corvaglia Closures AG supplies fasteners to all major brands for a wide range of products, from soft drinks with and without carbonic to juices. Fruit juices are often bottled aseptically which means that our caps must also be aseptic. That poses demands on the design of the caps that must be easy to remove despite the seal. As you can see, the design, the making of the injection molds and manufacturing the caps forms a true science. The making of the molds is one of the areas where we use the Dino-Lite USB microscopes.”
The weight of 0.05 grams
Making the injection molds is a labor intensive process which operates with an accuracy of many decimal places. Many molds are made in low-wage countries, but Corvaglia Mould AG makes everything in-house. Peil: “We have the experience that nobody else has, and only we have the machinery and professionals in house to achieve a perfect finished product. We know exactly how high-density polyethylene and polypropylene behave, the two substances that the closures are made off. “Even for Corvaglia Mould AG it is a challenge every time to create a closure that meets all customer requirements. “You always try to make the lightest possible closure to reduce costs. Annually approximately 400 billion beverage closures are used worldwide. Working with such numbers, achieving a slight reduction of 0,05 grams has a huge economic and ecological impact.”
Both in making and assessing the injection molds and the first audit of the products from the molds, Dino-Lite microscopes are used by Corvaglia Mould AG. Peil: “Since many of our people should have access to a good microscope, we have chosen to work with a number of Dino-Lites because they are versatile and flexible, the quality of the pictures is good just like the degree of magnification and the built-in LED lighting. Of course you can choose to buy one expensive high-end machine, but with using several Dino-Lites we avoid a lot of walking back-and-forth and waiting time. Now anyone can use a Dino-Lite with their own PC. They are fully integrated into our work process, to our complete satisfaction.”
John McLoughlin is Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University in England. He is teaching ‘Fashion and textile technology’ and is considered to be an expert when it comes to fabrics, fabric processing and joining techniques. He has published extensively on the subject. McLoughlin is using a Dino-Lite digital microscope as an integral part of his lectures, to show magnified images of cloths and stiches. McLoughlin: “I project an image on screen so that all students can see the materials in detail. I do this live in all my lectures and also let students work with the Dino-Lite themselves, so that they gain experience with it.”
McLoughlin is very satisfied with the performance of the Dino-Lite.” I used to work with another brand that was more expensive and the picture quality was much lower. The Dino-Lite is also very easy to use, you just connect the USB cable and it is ready to go. I would love to see each student havingtheir own Dino-Lite and I am a strong advocate for this.
McLoughlin is now developing software that can recognize the physical characteristics of a cloth and determine how it should be labored. This involves issues like: what type of stitch, which density and what needles are most suitable for the job. McLoughlin: “I have also used the Dino-lite to collect data for my software. Without the Dino-Lite I could not have developed the software. This software will prove itself especially in the mass production of textiles. It will allow further automation of the production process.”
McLoughlin is convinced that Dino-Lite helps to deliver students that are much better equipped for their future job: “A handy microscope is indispensable to grasp the essence of my lectures. You need this level of detail to really know what you’re talking about. If I say that a fabric is hairy, I want to show at the fiber level why I call the substance hairy. Of course it would be ideal if every student can just go home and check out fabrics with a Dino-Lite. Dino-Lite brings my topic to life.”